My desk at work is a disaster. I have to remind the nice Mexican lady who cleans the office not to touch any papers that are not all the way in the trash can….even though they might look like they are supposed to be thrown away and have no apparent order.

My room growing up was a disaster. My car right now is a disaster. I have never been able to keep things neat. My brain is not so orderly. It works all at once, and in a bunch of different directions.

And now someone has taken the time to vindicate the messy for their seeming disorder.

The higher the salary, the messier the person: 66% of Americans making $35,000 or less per year are self-described “neat freaks,” whereas only 11% of those earning above $75,000 claim the same.

The more educated tend to be messier with only 16% consider themselves to be neat. For those who did not finish college, this number increases to 29%.

You can bet I will be committing these statistics to memory. And just for the record…..Mom, I told you so.

Now if only my income will follow suit.

One Response to “Vindication for the Messy”
  1. Your Sister says:

    I have a seemingly simple answer to why this statistic exists. The more money people make, usually the more time they spend working, thus the less time they have to clean.

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