Many of you….actually some (perhaps few) of you, know that I had a blog at for about 5 years; then I “archived” those entries for various reasons.  I’ve put the old entries back up here.

On another note, I never really ride the wave of great new websites, since they come and go.  This followed by that, followed by whatever.  Some great new site/service becomes popular and then it goes away.  Those kind of things follow an exponential growth curve, like multi-level marketing or bacteria growth.  It takes a while to ramp up, then everyone is doing it, then it tails off…then trends down.  However, Facebook is pretty cool.  I never thought I would hear from most of those people again and its been nice reminiscing for the most part.



Phone: +13036301380
720 S Colorado Blvd Tower 1120, Denver, CO 80246, United States
denver, CO 80246

One Response to “My old blog”
  1. Dad says:

    I also am impressed with Facebook. I have made contact with friends from Georgia Southern I have not heard from in 40 years. Very good concept.

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