It has come to my attention that I have not been updating my website very much at all during the last few weeks.

Part of that is because of the holidays and the rest of it is due to the fact that I started seeing a girl I met at a networking function. It seems I am better at getting a date than at getting a job. Most of the time that before was spent at my computer in the evenings is now spent with her.

I am not implying that I now don’t have time…after all I am unemployed. I have actually amassed an amazing and frightening amount of data about all my favorite subjects. I feel like a walking database of labor, tax, health and wage statistics. I joked the other day with my sister that if I decided to go back to get a PhD in economics I would already have most of the research for my thesis done before the first day of class.

And it isn’t that I’ve suddenly decided that my readers should no longer be burdened by my obsession. It is just that I am now gathering new material faster than I can organize the old material to be published….which in turn makes it even harder to organize. So I promise to continue to post yummy tidbits about how much our economy is supposedly doing for us.

Do I have any New Year’s Resolutions? Sure. I resolve in the next year to continue to clarify what I believe and either do something about it or move to some place that shares my views. I resolve not to sell myself into wage slavery and to never work a job that does not in some way express who I am as a person. I resolve to put my family and friends above all else. I do not resolve to lose any weight, nor eat healthier, nor quit drinking, nor pursue any other silly promises that won’t last the week.

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