Here are some of the interesting facts I learned today:

According to the World Values Survey, Nigerians are the happiest people in the world. Mexicans are number two on the list.

On another site I saw that 74% of Mexicans live below the poverty level. Apparently poverty isn’t so bad.

General Motors has roughly the same revenues as the economies of Ireland, New Zealand and Hungary combined.

The World Bank praised the privatization of public health in Zambia: “It is a model for the rest of Africa. There are no more waiting lines at hospitals.” The Zambian Post Daily completed the idea: “There are no more waiting lines at hospitals because now people die at home.”

Humphrey Bogart never says “Play it again, Sam” in Casablanca. Frankenstein was not the monster, but its inventor.

If you can’t figure out whether you’re happy or not, Life Coach Peter Cohen has worked out the following equation: Happiness = P + (5xE) + (3xH). If you don’t understand what it means he will happily explain it to you…for a fee.

And finally, Arnold Schwarzenegger is the new governor of California.

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