I talked to this guy on the phone today about a book he is doing: Europe from a Backpack.

He was telling me all about the submission guidelines and asking about my travels……all I could think about was how he got the project together. I mean, it is a serious undertaking to coordinate all that goes into a submission based travel book. I asked him some questions but he didn’t really want to answer them.

Maybe its a secret? I wanted to know how he got his contacts and whether the book was already sold or not….did he have a lawyer draw up the contract, did he have any experience in the publishing industry…etc. He was nice and answered a bit, but seemed more excited about my submissions than my interest in his business.

Oh well. On the upside, I have done a lot of travel writing over my seven years abroad…..I don’t know which journal entries I’ll submit, but I’m sure I can find something worthy of publishing.

He said the book would be arranged by location in Europe. All I need to do is pick something about a place that few people have gone to and I’ll have less competition.

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