I read this website every once in a while: www.bigfatblog.com. It is devoted to defending fatness and I admit to being a regular visitor. I have resisted writing, commenting or judging for a long time. After several whole minutes of deliberation I am now ready to have an opinion.

Mr. BigFatBlog says some pretty intelligent things. He makes the point that being fat does not mean you need to wait until you’re skinny to go out and do something with your life. I come to Mr. Blog’s defense at times. Being fat is not the end of the world. That is a pretty true statement.

However, there are some other points he makes that brought me to my final opinion: “The only thing that’s ‘wrong’ about a fat person wearing a belly shirt is that society sees it as ‘wrong’.” What??? You could make that argument about anything….the only thing ‘wrong’ with a dead person as a best friend is that society sees it as ‘wrong’. The only thing ‘wrong’ with sleeping with blood relatives is that society sees it as ‘wrong’.

Here is my favorite: “You should love your body, no matter what it looks like.” Really?? I tell a slight variation of that to all the really hot girls I meet. “You should like me even though I’m not as hot as the guys you usually date.” Or how about potential employers: “You should hire me, no matter how lazy I am.” How about the NBA: “Don’t discriminate against me just because I’m short, white and have no talent.” It just isn’t realistic. And if realism isn’t your bag, it isn’t desirable even in that perfect world we’ll never find.

And here is my final opinion about fatness: All things being equal, it is better to be skinny than to be fat. Being fat usually creates problems. Being skinny can occasionally create problems. Fatness isn’t always the worst of personal issues, but it can add to whatever is. So…all things being equal, it is better to be skinny than to be fat.

I wonder what reaction Mr. BigFatBlog would have to that?

One Response to “Mr. Big Fat Blog”
  1. Paul says:

    My name is Paul, by the way.

    I wonder what reaction Mr. BigFatBlog would have to that?

    My reaction is that it’s not “better” to be skinny or fat. It’s better to be happy with your body, no matter what size it is.

    Here is my favorite: “You should love your body, no matter what it looks like.” Really?? I tell a slight variation of that to all the really hot girls I meet.

    Yes, you should. If you don’t love your body, then you need to work on why you don’t love your body. Does that make sense? Why should people hate their bodies?

    It just isn’t realistic. And if realism isn’t your bag, it isn’t desirable even in that perfect world we’ll never find.

    I fail to understand why acceptance of one’s self, at any size, isn’t “realistic” to you. Care to explain?

    I also apologize for posting a comment about 10 months after the fact.

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