So everyone knows that Delhi got bombed. They blew up 3 markets and my inside connections at the embassy told me that they averted 1 other one (which didn’t make the news). The bomb squad guys staying at the Taj have been very edgy lately.

The markets they blew up actually weren’t particularly frequented by foreigners. These nuts weren’t targeting any group. They were looking for shock value. It is Diwali in India, which is the Indian equivalent to Christmas, so everyone on the planet was out at these markets shopping for presents.

I get confused by these terrorists because I don’t understand what they want. In Latin America it is common for the children of rich folks to be kidnapped for ransom. Ok….I get that. The kidnappers want money. But the terrorists don’t want anything. They don’t have any demands. How do you deal with that??

I’m not sure if it made the news in the US, but the president (or whatever you call him) of Iran made the comment that Israel should be “wiped off the map”. And the comment was made at a “World without Zionism” conference….which to me is the most bizarre part of it.

“World without Zionism”?? Substitute “Blacks” for “Zionism” and you’ve got the fucking KKK. The Iranian president spoke at a KKK rally??? I can’t even compute that. Should we get him a white hood?

So let’s envision that they get their way….that the US and Israel are wiped off the map. What then? Iran is still a minor backwards ass country filled with sand, a bunch of oil, and crazy sex-starved Arabs. They will not suddenly rise to prominence if we disappear.

That’s what I don’t get. Destroying us will gain them nothing. The standard of living for Iranians will not suddently rise to Israeli or US standards if we are destroyred. This is not a zero sum game. They will be saddled with the same poverty, the same insanity, the same reliance on oil, the same poor humanitarian record.

I simply do not understand other than to say these people are crazy and that the Crusades ended 800 years ago….get over it.

One Response to “The Crusades ended 800 years ago….get over it.”
  1. Mary says:

    Right on! Ok so these people are clearly deranged, schizophrenic mass murderers…what they have to gain in their tiny brains is paradise and 72 virgins waiting on them….they are proud to be martyrs doing Allah’s work. To them peace is the extinction of westernism, Zion, Israel, whitey, America..they cannot live in peace until our vulgar ass’s are wiped from the planet. Our mere existence is an abombination to these people. And what the western and European peacemongers need to know those people whose religion is world peace (which is the opposite of anything based in reality)…is that the crazed strain of Islamic jihadists not only want to saw our heads off…they are going after the Middle Eastern countries they consider secular as well. This goes way beyond forgein policy…you can’t negotiate with suicide are you going to top 72 virgins in paradise? Trying to appease these people is the equivalent of trying to convince Jeffrey Dahmer to stop refridgerating human heads. It’s not happening.

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