I really feel like I have arrived in the digital era. I have my first cyber stalker, and I must say I kind of like it.

It is the modern day equivalent of the prank call, or sticking notes in someone’s locker in junior high.

Someone is posting on my website that someone knows stuff about me yet claims to have never met me. Although on that front if He/She/They is clever enough they may just be guessing.

He/She/They has also written me several emails from two different addresses. The person is posting from Altanta, so he/she/they isn’t telling the whole truth about something.

I think the truth is overrated anyway. I’ll take a pleasant lie on most days.

I could reproduce all the correspondence here and get votes on who everyone thinks it is or make guesses about what kind of person he/she/they is, but I think I’ll wait. I usually don’t talk about real life on this website….just crap that comes to mind that may occasionally cross paths with or resemble reality.

It makes me think of my profile on Friendster under the “Who I Want to Meet” section:

My honest, heartfelt answer: “A massage therapist/independently wealthy hottie who makes me feel all mushy inside, likes my friends, enjoys exotic locales and doesn’t eat like a bird, but never gets fat.”

I do have a way with words. Hehehehe.

One Response to “My very own cyber stalker….”
  1. actually says:

    We think you love us.

    Thanks for the cyber space stalker shout-out.

    As of today, we are BOTH enrolling in massage therapy school on Cheshire Bridge.

    We love southern food, so we don’t eat like birds, but we would eat Pad Thai on an exotic beach anyday.

    This is just a taste, you will hear more later.

    p.s: set up a P.O. Box and email us the address. please don’t ask questions. and if you get a care package, don’t be afraid to open it.


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