Anne asked me one time what post on the website is my favorite. I never mentioned it to her, but I actually did think about it.

And I have an answer. I guess I have to define “favorite” though. Is it the one that is most personal? No. Is it the one I feel is the most well-written? No. So which one?

Right now I work a lot…probably about 45 hours a week on average although the busy season is coming up so that will likely increase. Needless to say, I spend a great deal of time at the office.

So the same post always comes to mind. It is prophetic, not that being prophetic brings me any great joy….in fact, my ability to predict what I will do next has become increasingly annoying over the years. It is as if I have no say….that my behavior is largely predetermined and academic.

Know thyself!!! Like that gives me any satisfaction. Wisdom is a joke.

So my favorite entry right???… it is: How many hours are there in a day?

This entry describes my life, and, I am sure, most of our lives.

The follow up to this entry is actually also one of my favorites….maybe my favorite altogether. It is not so mathematical, thankfully, but it does make the point beautifully: What the fuck are we doing?

So these two posts are my favorites right now, because they are so pertinent. As for which posts are actually my favorites, there is a link in the column on the right called “Favorite Entries“. It is very aptly named.

4 Responses to “My favorite entry”
  1. j says:

    Oddly enough, those are my favorite posts, too. Theoretically, it could just be the fact that I liked and remember those posts. And being that they are the only posts you referred to, I automatically assume they were my favorites. Kind of like the brain applying patterns to a string of mutually exclusive coincidences, creating a situation that suugests the appearance of destiny.

  2. Elliott says:


  3. Josh says:

    Heheh. That’s exactly what I said when I read that. My favorite post was the one where you said you were going to miss me and your family when leaving Greenville. I didn’t like it because you were going to miss me, but because you followed it up with an EMA. Classic

  4. jeff says:

    Bah… the only other way I can explain it is louder.

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