One of my bosses asked me to make an appointment to meet with her about my career development and any questions I have regarding my workload/job satisfaction.

Here is my reply:

To: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx/Xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: touchbase meetings

(My boss’s name),

I would love to!! I think I’ve been here long enough now to have some areas where I can improve.

I’ll send you an invite right now!

Have a great weekend!


Here is her reply:

To: Elliott Dykes/Xxxxxxx/Xxxxxx@
Subject: Re: touchbase meetings

Great – looking forward to it!!!


(My boss’s name)

I don’t think I ever used exclamation points in my writing before I started work, but “Thanks!!” just seems so much more effective than another empty, deadpanned “Thanks.”

Let’s face it: Plain ol’ “Thanks” has been done too many times. “Thanks!!” is the new “Thanks.” And after “Thanks!!” gets played out I am going with the super emphatic “Fucking Thanks!!” I don’t know what I’ll do after that… a stripper maybe??

I get really tired at the end of the day. It is all those damn exclamation points. It is exhausting to keep up that faux level of excitement.

Periods ‘.’ require one keystroke while exclamation points ‘!’ require a keystroke plus the extra effort of the [shift] button. That’s probably what it is!!!!! (whew….that one was tiring.)

Other than that I sit in front of a computer most of the day thinking. My job certainly isn’t repetitive. It is just all thinking, researching, and problem solving.

Your brain weight accounts for about 2 percent of your body weight but uses 20 percent of your body’s oxygen supply and 20 to 30 percent of its energy.

That’s awful selfish I think. I mean, can’t it spare enough extra energy to keep my eyelids from shutting during meetings?? How many calories could that possibly require?

I shouldn’t poke fun. I mean, just having a meeting to discuss my career goals is far better than most companies do. It just makes me laugh.

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